Tech Recruiting Trends You Need to Know to Compete for the Best Tech Talent

The Ultimate Guide to Finding the Best Tech Talent

This guide will walk you through the steps of choosing a staffing partner that will revolutionize your hiring experience and leave you feeling confident in your ability to find the IT talent you need.

Want to hear a positive spin about mass layoffs at big tech companies?

Mass amounts of expert tech talent are ripe for the picking.

“IT is still booming,” says Lauren Mountain, Artemis Senior Business Development Manager. “Demand for contract IT consultants remains high. Projects are not pausing and neither are we.”

But there is a catch — and rightfully so. Just because it’s easier to recruit tech talent now that the competition isn’t as impenetrable (i.e. FAANG dominated), contract IT consultants still have the upper hand in where they choose to work, what projects they work on, and who they work for.

The Tech Worker Mindset

Imagine being an IT professional employed by one of the largest and well-known tech companies. Incredible pay, almost any perk imaginable available at your fingertips, and the prestige of telling others where you work and the incredible projects you’re helping to create. 

You’ve arrived.

You’re invincible.

…You’re suddenly laid off.

And you’re reeling. If big tech companies can’t forecast their hiring needs and trends properly, then who can? Are you safe anywhere?

Many IT professionals have been burned by layoffs, or are worried about being laid off. They are rethinking risk and increasingly less interested in working for one company who has complete control over their financial destiny. 

“Every day we hear of more layoffs, but this labor market remains historically tight,” Lauren notes. “Competition is still strong for the best tech talent.” 

So how does a company like yours attract the best talent for important projects and initiatives? Read on to find out.

candidate experience

Provide an outstanding candidate experience

Start at the beginning and walk through your candidate experience. Your website and application process are the first impressions a candidate has of your company — impress them!

Is the online application process smooth, quick, and easy? Or is it clunky, slow, and abandoned halfway through?

What happens after a candidate applies? Is there a timely follow up from the hiring manager, or crickets?

If the candidate doesn’t meet the requirements, are they launched into the black hole of forgotten applicants, never to be thought about again?

Ensure a great experience by:

  • Making your site mobile-friendly
  • A clean, easy to navigate job board
  • An application process that only takes five minutes max
  • Timely communication at every stage of the process

For example, Artemis leverages technology that delivers a superior candidate experience from the get-go. “The application process is easy, our recruiters reach out to them quickly, and we connect with them on a deeper level,” explains Lauren. 

“Once someone applies on our website, they’ve entered into a long-term relationship with us. We treat our talent pipeline as a journey, not a destination.”

quality tech talent

Hire Quality Contract Tech Talent 

From startups to Fortune 500 companies, success can be found by hiring contract IT consultants for your important initiatives that require specific needs.

It’s a win-win: your organization receives expert high-demand tech talent that fills in missing team gaps for the duration of a project, and IT consultants having the chance to work on what truly interests them.

“We’ve found that most of our contract tech consultants are looking for project-based work and opportunities to work with new technologies, rather than maintenance or support work,” said Lauren. “At the very least, they’re seeking a healthy mix between the two.”

As an IT recruiting agency, Artemis has an extensive network of harder-to-find niche IT consultants who have been fully screened and are ready to start in 48 hours or less. You’ll not only receive a technical fit, you’ll receive tech talent that easily integrates into your company culture so the relationship can thrive.

flexibility attracts talent

Be Flexible 

Like it or not, remote work is here to stay. Studies show that 64% of employees would consider finding another job if an employer demanded a full-time return to the office.

“It’s been a struggle to get candidates back into the office,” confirms Lauren. “Our IT consultants generally prefer to work remotely, and only a few prefer a hybrid setup.”

71% of IT professionals also want flexible scheduling options that provide a better work/life balance, whether that means a shortened work week or the autonomy to work outside of the traditional 9-5 workday.

Flexibility can make or break your workforce, especially when it comes to attracting and retaining tech talent.

smiling woman looking at laptop

Offer Competitive Compensation and Benefits

Inflation and mental health are two of the top three concerns employees have this year (following staffing shortages) according to SHRM. 

Overall, employees believe fair and competitive compensation adjustments should be a top priority for their organizations, the report states. 68% of organizations are accounting for inflation in salary/cost-of-living adjustments for 2023 — be one of them to attract the best talent.

Candidates aren’t just looking at dollar signs when considering their next tech job. With 53% feeling that their work is suffering because of poor mental health, employers need to make mental health a priority to attract and retain top talent. 

An attractive benefits package:

  • Includes mental health days as part of your PTO policy
  • Offers health coverage that includes access to therapy
  • Invests in an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) available to your team to assist with issues that affect their overall well-being.
two professionals discussing retention initiatives

Have a Retention Strategy

Once you’ve landed top talent, do you have a strategy in place to keep them? Or does new talent typically bounce after a month or two?

Retention is a multifaceted process that can look different for each company. The trick is asking your employees what’s important to them, what areas the company could improve, and then acting on it.

The aforementioned topics will likely come up as retention opportunities. Upskilling, reskilling, and nurturing the employer/employee relationship are also simple ways to increase retention.  

Retention isn’t just for your full-time employees — it applies to contract IT workers too.

“The relationships we form with candidates is a big reason our IT consultants have a 95% retention rate and come back for more projects,” Lauren said. 

“Our recruiters are mentors who help candidates make industry connections and offer advice at every stage of their career. That’s invaluable to all tech talent.” 

team communication via virtual meet


Employees want clear communication from their team and leadership.

From team project expectations and check-ins to bigger-picture updates that affect the entire organization, today’s tech talent expect frequent and transparent communication to ensure success and unification around the same goals.

“Solid communication starts during the interview process,” Lauren noted. “Artemis IT consultants want consistency between the job description and actual role, with proper expectations set during the interview process.”

“Many staff support leaders do not follow up with details — Artemis invests in communication. While many also disconnect, the Artemis team keeps in touch to what is happening in my world and the industry. Artemis, in any capacity, is an asset. They work to build and maintain relationships which means I look forward to many more years of collaboration.”

– ERP Director, Manufacturing/Chemical Company

The Takeaway

With companies still competing for the same pool of tech talent, it can be difficult to stand out from the crowd. But with the right tech recruiting partner and strategies, you can attract and retain the best IT consultants.

If you’re struggling to find a recruiting partner who can check every box on your candidate wish list, Artemis can help. We’ll work with you to identify key focus areas and provide insights into how to best leverage your resources and assets to be competitive in today’s tech market. 

“I have five traits I look for in a recruiter: (1) Personable (2) Professional (3) Honest (4) Understanding of client needs (5) Knowledgeable about the IT market. It is evident that the Artemis recruiting team is very connected to the ERP account base and knows what is in the pipeline for potential work for consulting or perm placements. Artemis checks off all the traits on my list!”

–  SAP Platinum Consultant

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The Ultimate Guide to Finding the Best Tech Talent

In the fast-paced world of technology, finding the right tech talent is critical. There’s no time to work with someone who just doesn’t get it. It’s time you felt valued and understood by a staffing partner. With this guide, take the first step in refreshing your staffing experience to land top tech talent in a competitive market.

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